17 Sep

GMDN free membership since April 1st 2019. The free GMDN membership allows search of GMDN Codes and provides enquiry services .

When including medical devices into the ARTG, Australian sponsors must identify the applicable GMDN code for their products. The GMDN Agency has made basic membership free since April 1st 2019. The free GMDN membership allows search of GMDN Codes and provides enquiry services . Additional functionalities and services are available for additional fees.  

According to GMDN website: “The new free Basic membership will allow users access to the GMDN data, while the existing membership charges will remain for manufacturers needing the time-saving and value-added services provided by the GMDN Agency. These include the Term Status Notification service (which automatically updates subscribers to change events), multi-user accounts, data export, access to the higher-level Explorer groups and a priority enquiry service.”

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