31 May

Variations to Low Interference Potential Devices Class Licence for products that have Wi-Fi capability.

Do your products have Wi-Fi capability?


If yes, you might be interested in a recent variation the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has made to the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence.


All radio transmitters are required to be licensed in Australia. Wi-Fi transmitters are licensed through the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence, also known as the LIPD Class Licence. The class licence specifies the frequency and maximum power that transmitters are allowed to use and can also include additional restrictions.


What are the changes?

These recent changes add a new category for Wi-Fi transmitters using frequencies between 5150 MHz and 5250 MHz, which allows higher power than the existing category, and removes the limitation of the transmitter being classed as indoor use only. However, it does include a restriction to limit the chance of interference to satellite communications.


Another change is that a definition of indoors has been added. This is important because several categories for Wi-Fi transmitters are authorised for indoor use only.


All the changes in the recent variation can be found at Federal Register of Legislation


What can I do to get assistance?

Market Access can assist you with meeting your obligations.


Market Access AUS Pty Ltd is an independent provider of product compliance services to manufacturers and distributors of electrical and electronic devices. Our specialist and highly experienced team will ensure your products conform with all applicable Australian regulatory requirements to not only minimize any risk of liability but assist your rapid time to market.


If you would like to discuss how Market Access can assist you with your regulatory requirements, please contact our general enquiries email Gunther Theisz at gtheisz@marketaccessaus.com.au or call our office on +61 2 9099 1557.

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